Science Suffix NYT Crossword Clue

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Written By Asif Butt

SEO & Digital Marketing Consultant





The science suffix NYT is a crossword clue that refers to the suffix “ology”, which is commonly used to form the names of scientific disciplines. The clue could be something like “Suffix meaning ‘science'” or “Branch of knowledge”.

Answer to the crossword clue “science suffix NYT”

science suffix nyt Crossword clue
science suffix nyt Crossword clue

The answer to the crossword clue “science suffix NYT” is usually the word “ology”. However, there are other words that end in the suffix “ology” that could also be the answer, such as:

  • Biology
  • Geology
  • Zoology
  • Botany
  • Astronomy
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Ecology
  • Anthropology
  • Sociology

If you are stuck on a science suffix crossword clue NYT, you can try the following tips:

  • Look at the other clues in the puzzle to see if they can help you narrow down your answer choices.
  • Use a dictionary or thesaurus to look up the meaning of unfamiliar words.
  • If you are still stuck, try brainstorming all the scientific disciplines that you can think of. This can help you come up with the correct answer.

With a little practice, you will be able to solve science suffix crossword clues NYT in no time!

Examples of crossword clues “science suffix NYT”

science suffix nyt Crossword
science suffix nyt Crossword

Here are some examples of crossword clues “science suffix NYT” that have appeared in the New York Times crossword puzzle:

  • Suffix meaning “science” (5 letters): OLOGY
  • Study of the stars (7 letters): ASTRONOMY
  • Study of plants (5 letters): BOTANY
  • Study of animals (6 letters): ZOOLOGY
  • Study of the Earth (7 letters): GEOLOGY
  • Study of matter and energy (6 letters): PHYSICS
  • Study of the composition, structure, and properties of matter (10 letters): CHEMISTRY

Tips for Solving Crossword Clues with Science Suffix NYT

Here are some tips for deciphering science suffix NYT clues in crossword puzzles:

  1. Understand different scientific domains. There are many different scientific disciplines, each with its own unique focus. By understanding the different scientific domains, you can better understand the words that are associated with them. For example, the suffix “ology” is commonly used to form the names of scientific disciplines, such as biology, geology, and zoology.
  2. Explore common science-related words. There are many common science-related words that you can learn to recognize. These words can be helpful in solving science suffix NYT clues. For example, the word “astronomy” means the study of the stars, and the word “chemistry” means the study of matter and its properties.
  3. Leveraging cross-letter answers. If you are stuck on a science suffix NYT clue, you can sometimes leverage cross-letter answers to help you solve it. For example, if you know that the answer to a clue is a four-letter word that ends in “ology”, and you see that there is a four-letter word that ends in “ology” that is crossing your clue, you can use that information to help you solve the clue.
  4. Utilizing online crossword solvers. There are many online crossword solvers that can be helpful in solving science suffix NYT clues. These solvers can provide you with the answer to a clue, or they can give you a list of possible answers.

Here are some additional tips:

  • Pay attention to the length of the answer. This can help you narrow down your possibilities.
  • Look for clues that provide additional information about the answer. For example, a clue might say “the study of plants” or “the science of matter and energy”.
  • Use a dictionary or thesaurus to look up the meaning of unfamiliar words.
  • If you are still stuck, ask for help from a friend or family member who is good at solving crossword puzzles.

With a little practice, you will be able to decipher science suffix NYT clues in no time!

Also read: Something to Get Down From Crossword Clue NYT [Updated]


Here are some FAQs about science suffix crossword clues:

What is the science suffix NYT in crosswords?

The science suffix NYT in crosswords is the suffix “ology”, which is commonly used to form the names of scientific disciplines. For example, biology, geology, and zoology all end in the suffix “ology”.

How do you solve science suffix crossword clues?

There are a few things you can do to solve science suffix NYT crossword clues:

  • Understand different scientific domains. There are many different scientific disciplines, each with its own unique focus. By understanding the different scientific domains, you can better understand the words that are associated with them.
  • Explore common science-related words. There are many common science-related words that you can learn to recognize. These words can be helpful in solving science suffix clues.
  • Leveraging cross-letter answers. If you are stuck on a science suffix clue, you can sometimes leverage cross-letter answers to help you solve it. For example, if you know that the answer to a clue is a four-letter word that ends in “ology”, and you see that there is a four-letter word that ends in “ology” that is crossing your clue, you can use that information to help you solve the clue.
  • Utilizing online crossword solvers. There are many online crossword solvers that can be helpful in solving science suffix clues. These solvers can provide you with the answer to a clue, or they can give you a list of possible answers.

Are there variations of the science suffix NYT clue?

Yes, there are some variations of the science suffix clue. For example, a clue might ask for the “study of” a particular subject, or it might ask for a word that is related to a particular scientific discipline.

What are some other common crossword themes?

Some other common crossword themes include:

  • Literature: This theme includes clues about books, authors, and literary terms.
  • Geography: This theme includes clues about countries, cities, and landmarks.
  • History: This theme includes clues about historical events, figures, and places.
  • Pop culture: This theme includes clues about movies, TV shows, music, and celebrities.
  • Sports: This theme includes clues about sports teams, athletes, and events.

How do crossword setters come up with clues?

Crossword setters come up with clues in a variety of ways. They might use a thesaurus or dictionary to find words that have a particular meaning or sound. They might also use their knowledge of different subjects to come up with clues that are relevant to those subjects.

Crossword setters also need to be creative and think outside the box. They need to come up with clues that are challenging but not impossible to solve. And they need to make sure that the clues are fair and consistent.

I hope this answers your questions!

Also read: Water Whirl NYT Crossword Clue [Eddy]


Here is a summary of the key points covered in the article, along with an explanation of the significance of the “Science Suffix NYT” in crossword puzzles and an encouragement to readers to tackle more crossword challenges and explore wordplay:

  • Crossword puzzles are a popular word game that have been enjoyed by people of all ages for centuries. They are a great way to improve your vocabulary, problem-solving skills, and memory.
  • The science suffix NYT refers to the suffix “ology”, which is commonly used to form the names of scientific disciplines. In crossword puzzles, the suffix “ology” is often used as a clue to the name of a scientific discipline.
  • The science suffix NYT is a useful tool for solving crossword puzzles. By understanding the meaning of the suffix and the types of scientific disciplines that use it, you can improve your chances of solving these challenging clues.
  • Here are some tips for solving science suffix clues in crossword puzzles:
    • Understand different scientific domains.
    • Explore common science-related words.
    • Leverage cross-letter answers.
    • Utilize online crossword solvers.
  • The “Science Suffix NYT” is a significant part of crossword puzzles because it is a common clue type that can be used to test your knowledge of scientific disciplines. By understanding the science suffix NYT and the tips for solving it, you can improve your chances of success in crossword puzzles.
  • I encourage readers to tackle more crossword challenges and explore wordplay. Crossword puzzles are a fun and challenging way to improve your vocabulary, problem-solving skills, and memory. They can also be a great way to learn about different scientific disciplines. Solving crossword puzzles can be a rewarding experience, and I hope you will give it a try!

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